101 goals in 1001 days, Challenge accepted!

Hello again readers! So... I started writing this post like, 2 years ago. So much for goals, haha! I really like this idea, though, so it's time to post it and make it legit.

My friend Meghan from A Day in the life of a Hitchcock Blonde, and I, back in the day, decided to try an idea we found on Design Darling, an adorable fashion blog that a friend from work shared with us (We all love finding new blogs to read!)  The idea is 101 things in 1001 days.  You make a list of things you'd like to accomplish in 1001 days, which is about 2.75 years.  I actually googled the idea and found The Day Zero Project, a website totally devoted to helping people make goal-setting lists.  There are tons of ideas to help get you started (cuz really...101 is A LOT of goals! It's harder than you might think!).  I encourage everyone to check it out! It's a lot of fun.

So what do I want to accomplish in 1001 then?? Here's my list so far; I hope it gives you some motivation to start doing those things you always talk about doing but never do! Let's do it.  Hopefully by now I have a few I can check of the list!:

  1. Finish and organize this list!  
Personal Goals:
2.  Get a psych related job or Start grad school
3. Move into my own apartment (or into my boyfriend's)
4. Adopt a pet
5. Don't say anything negative for a whole day
6. Don't complain about anything for a week
7. Write a new blog post each week for at least a month
8. Go a week without makeup

Language Goals:

9. Speak more Spanish
10. Read 3 books in Spanish
11. Learn some Arabic and/or French
12. Expand my vocab by 100 words, English and Spanish

Travel goals:

13. Visit Morocco
14. Visit San Francisco
15. Climb a mountain
16. Go on a float trip (with Michelle!-she's my big sis and she's always trying to get me to go)
17. Travel somewhere by train
18. Take a roadtrip
19. Visit my best friend in New York
20. Go on a camping trip
21. Visit Papallacta
22. Visit 10 new states
23. Go on a cruise
24. Go to a car race/Indy 500
25. Take a vacation alone
26. Go on a whale watch
27. Ride a camel

Food/drink goals:

28. Learn to make crepes
29. Learn to make chimichurri
30. Make pasta from scratch
31. Throw a dinner party
32. Grow herbs/start a garden
33. Try 5 new foods
34. Learn to make sushi
35. Make a rainbow cake
36. Go to a winery
37. Bake something new each month
38. Make a pie on Pi day (particularly in 2015, 3.1415!)
39. Have dinner by candlelight

Nature/Green-thumb goals:

40. Plant a tree on Earth day (or any day!)
41. Grown herbs/start a garden
42. Watch the sunrise and sunset in the same day
43. Go to an observatory
44. Learn to identify 10 constellations
45. Go apple picking
46. Go to the Farmer's Market

Health/Active lifestyle/Just for fun goals:

47. Take a dance class
48. Drink 8 glasses of water a day for at least a week
49. Run a 5k
50. Run a 10k
51. Go ice skating
52. Bring healthy lunches to work every day for 2 weeks
53. Go vegetarian for a month
54. Work out at least 5 days a week for at least a month
55. Get a massage
56. Go fishing
57. Go horseback riding
58. Ride in a hot air balloon
59. Have a bonfire

Do-Good Goals:

60. Talk to a new person each day for 10 days straight
61. Donate blood more often
62. Give a 100% tip to a waiter who deserves it
63. Send care packages to far-away friends (or strangers, like our soldiers)
64. Send flowers/card to mom, just because
65. Take siblings out to do whatever they want, paid by me
66. Volunteer at a Soup Kitchen or Shelter
67. Find an organization I'm passionate about and
68. Volunteer regularly for the organization
69. Surprise someone with an unexpected gift
70. Be kind to someone who does not like me

Religious Goals:

71. Pray every day for at least a week
72. Read a chapter of the Bible every day for at least a month
73. Read some of the books my mom is always recommending
74. Not miss mass!
75. Go to confession at least once every 3 months (can you tell I'm Catholic? ;)

Money/financial goals:

76. Become financially independent
77. Create a budget and stick to it
78. Open a savings account
79. Put an entire paycheck into savings
80. Put $10 into savings for each goal accomplished
81. Buy a lottery ticket

Movie/music/books goals:

82. Attend a concert
83. See 5 classic movies I've never seen, in both English and Spanish!
84. Get a new library card
85. Subscribe to a magazine instead of buying it on the newsstand every month!

Creativity Goals:

86. Learn to knit and actually finish an entire project!
87. Do a DIY project
88. Document one month of my life in photos
89. Have my picture taken in a photo booth
90. Take pics underwater
91. Surprise the boyfriend with something special
92. Complete a 365 day photo challenge
93. Send out Christmas cards

I applaud you if you made it to the end of this post. I couldn't even read all that! I hope this gives you some ideas to start up your own 101 in 1001 days! Leave a comment and let me know some of your top goals! I'll keep you posted on my progress as I go.

Xoxo, Kathryn


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