April is Child Abuse Prevention Month

Before the month is out, I wanted to put the spotlight on Child Abuse Prevention, since April is dedicated to this cause. As a social worker, I was a mandated reporter, meaning if I witnessed or suspected any sort of child abuse, I was obligated to call the Child Abuse Hotline and make a report.  I, unfortunately, had to do so on a couple of occasions. Sadly, abuse is a cycle, and most of the clients I worked with who were involved in the Department of Child Services were themselves abused or neglected as children, or witnessed domestic violence while growing up.

There is such a stigma in our society for victims to come out and share their story; there's an embarrassment or shame associated with having been abused. And that makes me angry.  Angry at the abusers for their continued power over their victims, even years later, and also angry that there is resistance to hearing these stories, because they're uncomfortable or inconvenient. So many adults are still struggling from past abuse from their childhood, not to mention the children who go to school every day and cover bruises or secretly hide their hurt.  Not only do we need to support and protect children and individuals who have been abused, we need to educate ourselves on how to detect it, prevent it, and break the abuse cycle.

Abuse does not discriminate based on race, religion, socioeconomic class, or culture.  Abuse happens in every community, whether you want to cover your eyes and ears from it or not.

A very dear friend of mine was abused for many years and she is such an inspiration for me, as she has been able to overcome it and build an amazing life for herself with her son. She is an amazing mother, sister, and friend, and the strongest woman I know (along with my mother). Her strength and her healing have come from her ability to forgive.  And through love.  And though Jesus.  And, you know what? She Thrives. But there isn't a day that goes by that I don't wish someone had reached out for her.  A teacher, a relative.  SOMEONE.  

Just because you may not be a mandated reporter, if you know of or suspect child abuse, please don't brush it aside as nothing.  Please, make a report.  The Child Protective Services will decide whether the report warrants an investigation, and although they will ask for your information, your name will remain anonymous.  Maybe what you saw was nothing.  But maybe it was something, and maybe through reporting it you can help protect a child from continued abuse. Do NOT worry about causing an inconvenience to a family if you have a sincere concern for abuse to report.  If it really is nothing, then all the better! But, it's always better to be safe than sorry.

Here are some signs to look for, straight from Helpguide.org.  Remember, child abuse is so much more than just physical violence.  It includes emotional abuse, neglect, and sexual abuse. Don't forget that teenagers can be victims of child abuse too.
  • Frequent injuries or unexplained bruises
  • Excessively withdrawn, fearful, or anxious of doing something wrong
  • Wears inappropriate clothing to cover up injuries, such as long sleeves on a hot day
  • Shies away from touch or flinches at sudden movement
  • Appears afraid to go home; doesn't seem to be attached to parents
  • Consistently bad hygiene or filthy clothing
  • Frequently late or missing from school
  • Has trouble walking or sitting
  • Displays sexually reactive behavior
  • Drug abuse or "acting out" 
My dear friend that I mentioned told me she would often wear long sleeved shirts or heavy makeup to cover bruises, would often skip class, particularly gym class because she didn't want others to see her bruises when she would change into her gym clothes and because she was physically in pain from her abuse, as well as turned to drugs and sex at an early age to escape what was happening at home. 

This cause is extremely important and close to my heart, and I hope it may give someone courage to be the voice for a child who may be in need. Go out and spread some love today.

Much love and many prayers.



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